Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bumpy Road on the World of Internet (my own version) + apology note

First of all, I have to apologize to you all that have been waiting for my next post. I've been busy these weeks, and I've even skipped a class which makes me missed a moment that could be turned into a material for my blog. Well, let's get started then, this post is a story about my blogging journey from around 2 weeks ago.
Please enjoy~

The main problem for my blog that I have to solve is how do I get a thousand viewer and comments. I've been thinking hard, you know. I realize that just promoting my blog in facebook won't help me that much and so I decided to promote this blog to a foreign forum, an online game forum to be precise.

There are 2 forums that I visited. I've got a diverse kind of comment (in the thread). There's some of them that praise my blog, there are some of them that giving out advices for me too. But of course not all of them are positive comments, there are those that mock my blog. Well, to be precise they're not mocking my blog, they are mocking this entire project. Some of them said that this is a ridiculous project. "Getting 1000 viewer for a blog" is the topic that they are commenting the most. Well I can't help it, I've encountered this kind of post myself. Most threads that using a certain quantity as their goal is considered a thread that only look for attention. Yes but sadly it's not only me that doing this project. I've commented back, giving out my friend's blog link, and told them that in my thread, I've said that I am looking for help, NOT attention. I've even post my college class's fanpage to convince them about this project. Maybe it's not that convincing, or maybe my way of "writing" in forum still need training, or they're just plain stupid, or maybe they're not even reading my thread and just commenting as they like, only God knows.

But here's a fun fact. Even the lamest blog of all (such as mine) got some praises from my lecturer. I don't mean that the lecturer is soft-hearted or he just pitied me (well, maybe he did but I don't know for sure, though), but let's face it. In real life, when you met some stranger that you found not longer than a minute ago, you won't say "You have a terrible sense of fashion, you know that?" out of the blue in front of him. Well, there are lots of people in this world so this is might not be 100% accurate, but I'm sure most people won't do that. The point is, in real life, only your bosses and the higher ups in your company that dare to ridicule you right in front of your face. Without standing and connection, these days, not even a person is care with what you do as long as it's not a crime.

But why these people started to care with what people do on the internet? It's good if you respond to my blog positively, but come on man. I like someone that said "Your blog is shitty!" better than having someone said "This homework of yours is pointless and you're stupid for working on it". If you don't like it these kind of post in the forum, why the heck did you even bother to open my thread? If you don't like it, just leave it, if you found that my post is shitty, tell me or just ignore the entire thing. In the first place, I wasn't even forcing you guys to visit my blog and comment on my post.

The best explanation would be "This is all just trolling comments". And so, I don't care what you'll say to me about my blog (if it's not positive feedback) so I'll continue writing for this blog. I still want to get A, you know.

Well, why I'm not posting a link for the thread I've been talking about is mainly because I'm still new in this "world", maybe I was in the wrong too, so I'll just make this post like my own diary-like record.

See you in the next post!~

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why should I go to college, actually?

Well, this is a normal question to all students all over the world. Why are you going to school? For what purpose? The thing is, most students don't realize/don't know what's their purpose by going to school/college. You want to be rich? Well, to tell you the truth, there are some billionaire in the world that had dropped out from their school/college. What's the meaning of this? It means that you don't have to study physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and whatnot just to be rich. Just be creative and polish your talent, no need for school.
Or do you want to make your parents happy by having titles? A PhD maybe? Most college students will answer this if they're being asked "Why do you go to college?"
Maybe they really want to make your parents happy, but let's think about it this way, if you just want to make your parents happy, how about your own happiness? Let's say your parents wants you to take Medical Education, and you want to make them happy, but sadly your brain is too poor to remember all the illness' name, what's causing them, and the latin name of the virus/bacteria associated with the illness. Conclusion : You got E in all of your chosen subject. And what now? Still think that your parents will be happy seeing you like this? Well, suit yourself.
Oh and there's another reason that I, as the writer of this post, heard (learnt, actually) from my lecturer. We go to school/college to get a girlfriend! Wow! This is the most enigmatic reason of all. But sadly, some of my friend (this is real story) said this too. They are looking for a girlfriend in college. Well, if you want to waste 4 years in college just for searching a mating partner in the future then be my guest. I won't comment on this too much since I'm no relationship/love expert.
Lastly, what are you going to do in college, or what's your reason to go to college is entirely up to you. We're already a grown up, just 4 more years and we'll be one with the society (if you could graduate just in time). We're expected to know what's right and wrong, what's important and not. I just wish those that read this post could think about it for a while, and decide what's best for ourselves. Thank you

test post

this is a test post